Noise mapping of UAV flights across the Geneva lake

Noise mapping of UAV flights across the Geneva lake

Akustikdoktorn Sweden AB has been contracted by Outsight International to calculate noise maps corresponding  RigiTech drone flights across the Geneva Lake. The operation of Rigi drones is saving up to 90 minutes in delivery time when compared to ground transportation during rush hour. Landing on the laboratory rooftop also allowed easy access to the delivered package for the medical staff, and allowed the drone to return to Geneva in less than 10 minutes.

For this purpose, the tool SAFTu is used, a novel raytracing software dedicated to UAS and air taxi noise simulations. The work has been carried out jointly with Aurskall Akustik AB and Outsight International. To define realistic source model representations, field-measured noise levels at hover and fly-over conditions, complemented by test bench data from Eiger II and Eiger III fixed-wing delivery UASs, are used. Based on these source models of the two different drones, noise maps are generated for the flight paths from Coppet to the Geneva Lake shore in Cologny, GE.

Apart from the resulting LA,max levels at different locations, it is concluded that the data presentation in noise maps can help align communities with affected citizens and various stakeholders when discussing community concerns regarding noise.

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