Noise control of buildings

We support house building projects in all its phases, from risk assessment in early commissioning phases via the detailing of noise control measures in system and project phases, to the final validation and assessment on the buidling site. We measure and calculate sound insulation, also with assessment of flanking paths according to EN12354-1/2 or using SEA. We have experience with noise control of light weight wooden frame housing and the tools and competence to assure that vibrating installations, like heat pump compressors and elevator machinery, do not lead to disturbance for tenants.

We simulate and measure speech intelligibility (STIPA, STI) in hallways, entance areas and auditoria, propose effective design measures and follow up on the targets. We also take full responsibility for the audio-visual quality in new lecture halls, including the visual perception at the different seating positions etc. In addition we have experience of handling noise issues during the building production phases by developing of noise control and handling schemes and to follow up with effective measures.

We work with buiilding projects together with COWI, Hemsö Fastigheter and Familjebostäder among others. 

Environmental noise

Environmental noise is today affecting everyone and is therefore one of the most important challenges to public health. Noise from roads and railroads, fly-over aircraft, industries and construction sites lead to increased stress and poor sleep. It is told that one single motorbike crossing Paris a warm summer night, wakes up about 250 000 people. Long exposure to high noise levels may also cause hearing damage as well as tinnitus. 

A common mitigation measure is to build noise screens and barriers. We assess the performance of barriers with respect to sound reduction and absorption and also measure according to EN1793-5/6. Noise mapping is a powerful tool to assess various measures, like sound barriers and limitations in vehicle speed to arrive at the most cost effective solution. The model is used to calculate sound levels where people are exposed, first at the present situation and second, after noise reduction measures. For airports, effects of altered landing and take off patterns can be assessed. 

Together with our partner Akustix  we can offer simulations for road and rail noise, commercial and leisure noise as well aircraft noise. Akustix has a long and proven experience using SoundPlan, also for airport noise modelling.

The starting point is 3-d GIS maps (via georeferenced bitmaps or data from DXF, ASCII and QSI) and relevant source models. Calculations can be made according to the Nordic Prediction models Nord2000Road (report 4653) and Nord2000Rail (report 4935). Airport noise calculations are typically made using SS ISO 9613 or Cnossos EU.

Noise map of Poznań representing the percentage of highly annoyed (a) and highly sleep disturbed (b) people (from: A. Peis et al. ”Vibrations in Physical Systems”, November 2019)

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