Familjebostäder: Draget 1

Akustikdoktorn is honored and proud of the assignment to do the acoustic work for the renovation of the property Draget 1 on Södermalm in Stockholm. The client is Cowi with Familjebostäder as an end customer. The property has 178 residential apartments and eleven premises with a total of 9,400 square meters. The property from 1924 is blue-classed by the City Museum, i.e. the city's highest cultural classification. This means that antiquarian considerations must be taken into account and modern functional requirements such as acoustics must be balanced with conservation requirements.  

The assignment includes acoustic planning for the renovation of apartments and premises. Great focus is placed on improving air and footfall sound insulation through the original wooden beams in critical spaces, such as bedrooms and living rooms. The joists are reinforced acoustically and structurally for significantly improved insulation. The measures are evaluated with calculations and validating measurements. 

In the work, the aim is to preserve the 20th century character of the rooms and the construction solutions are worked out in close collaboration with an architect and antiquarian. In addition, the ventilation must be rebuilt from self-drafting to an exhaust air system with energy recovery, which requires a well-functioning technical solution to protect the new heat pumps from noise. The lifts are modernized by partially replacing existing lift parts, which requires acoustic planning. 

In addition, Akustikdoktorn has taken a leading role in designing the remodeling of two display apartments where acoustics and fire measures work together to ensure that the respective requirement levels are met. Concept drawings and construction documents for walls, ceilings and floors have been drawn up.

Bild: Lokala hyresgästföreningen Blecktornet

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