Railway noise

We know railway noise. With 18 years experience from one of the world top competence centers in the field of railway acoustics Akustikdoktorn Sweden has the competence needed to analyse your needs, and come up with adequate solutions. Bombardier Transportation Global Centre of Competence for Acoustics and Vibration, ett av världens främsta kompetenscentra inom området, har Akustikdoktorn kunnandet och nätverket för att analysera era behov och ta fram effektiva lösningar.

Track systems:  We develop the most effective noise control scheme with respect to cost and other constraints. Depending on the technical needs and other requirements, such schemes can include ToR lubrication systems, sound barriers, grinding as well as rail- and wheel damping measures.

Vibrations:  We also measure and assess ground vibrations and design a balanced combination of isolation measures to be applied in the ground as well as in building structures

Railcar design:  We support with defining requirements in the procurement of railway vehicles and sub-systems. We set up technical specifications for subcontractors, define programs for follow-up and control, and propose effective measures for noise control and good sound quality. We can also provide the acoustic planning and design needed for control of noisy components such as electric motors and diesel engines, HVAC systems, compressors, and aero-acoustic sources. For carbody constructions, we distribute the sound requirements to different subsystems (noise budgeting) and act as a competent party in the design work, e.g., by calculating sound transmission of carbody elements and by organizing measurement campaigns. The Acoustics Doctor has extensive experience in multidisciplinary design, balancing requirements on structural load, noise and vibration, fire safety and weight. We have experience in weight minimization regarding load and noise reduction and know how to best take advantage of damping and absorption systems. We support in defining and optimizing lightweight and space efficient noise control solutions for carbodies, such as damping layers and absorbing materials. We analyze PA-systems regarding speech intelligibility (RASTI, STIPA) and sound comfort, and specify, model and design for good acoustic comfort.

Low track-side and standard noise barriers. Ensta station, Stockholm
Coupled FE-SEA model for roof analysis. Orrenius, U and Konkell, H. "Sound Transmission through a High-Speed Train Roof", Proc. ICSV 2011.
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