APIS: Buller från drönare (UAVer)

The overall purpose of the APIS project (bee in Latin) is to provide knowledge, guidance and recommendations with respect to noise and annoyance to central stakeholders to facilitate implementation of drones (UAVs), and other future air vehicle services, in a sustainable manner.

The 2-year multidisciplinary project is coordinated by Akustikdoktorn Sweden jointly with INDEK KTH and is  funded by Trafikverket via the Center for Sustainable Aviation hosted by KTH. 

Within APIS, several partners with complementary skills (KTH INDEK, KTH MWL, Akustikdoktorn Sweden, Aurskall Akustik and The Independent Business Group (IBG) work together to develop a state-of-the-art prediction tool for ground noise exposure and evaluate scenarios for UAV noise impact.

To support the project execution APIS has formed a reference group with representation from EASA (Ivan de Lepinay), LFV (Olivier Petit), Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner (Ulrika Nordenfjäll), Trafikverket (Jean-Marie Skoglund), Naturvårdsverket (Lisa Johansson), Karolinska Institutet Environmental medicine (Charlotta Eriksson), Transportstyrelsen (Marie Hankanen) and Vernamack AB (Bengt Moberg).


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